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Book By VJ Cast

TITLE: Challenging the Black Dog
SUBTITLE: A Creative Outlet for Tackling Depression
PUBLISHER: Offbeat Brains
SIZE: Trade 6 x 9 in (15 × 23 cm)
ON SALE: May 2021
RRP: AU$24.99 / US$19.99
ISBN-13: 978-0-6482474-4-9
PAGES: 212


Longform copy for newsletters, email campaigns, blog posts, etc.

Challenging the Black Dog
A Creative Outlet for Tackling Depression

From non-fiction author, VJ Cast, comes a fantastic creative therapy journal for people dealing with depression by someone who has 25 years of “been there, done that” lived experience with mental illness.

Challenging the Black Dog is a thoughtful and creative resource for teenagers and young adults dealing with depression. With an abundance of written exercises and innovative probes, it serves as an intimate guide to self-discovery and constructive change. I strongly recommend it not only for those who are experiencing the pain of depression but for all who wish to reflect deeply with the personal factors that can bring us darkly down and those that can bring us back to renewal and light.BRIAN R. LITTLE, Ph.D., Fellow, Well-Being Institute, Cambridge University

Created under the guidance of a qualified psychologist the journal aims to provide a safe, private place for users to get to know their Black Dog—to explore and tackle their depression. It does so through a combination of therapy techniques including narrative and music therapy, art/creative therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), and mindfulness. The journal also includes trigger and mood logs, mental health resource lists, and stress-relieving colouring pages.

Because of its format Challenging the Black Dog lends itself readily to being used as a form of guided self-therapy for those unable (or unwilling) to access other medical interventions, or in conjunction with other medical resources, such as psychologists and counsellors. With use and time, this journal can help transform users into an active participant in their journey towards recovery from depression.

So, start the challenge of leashing your Black Dog and reclaim control over your psychological well-being.

Shortform copy for blurbs.

Dismissing the idea that the experience of depression is ‘one size fits all’ Challenging the Black Dog isn’t your typical therapy workbook, which only adds to the appeal. VJ Cast, who has 25 years of “been there, done that” lived experience with mental illness, does not hand you answers in her new creative journal, but instead sets you up to find them yourself and allows you take back control on your own terms.


Silencing the Inner Ghosts

TITLE: Silencing the Inner Ghosts
SUBTITLE: A Creative Outlet for Tackling Self-Harm
PUBLISHER: Offbeat Brains
SIZE: Trade 6 x 9 in (15 × 23 cm)
ON SALE: May 2021
RRP: AU$24.99 / US$19.99
ISBN-13: 978-0-6482474-5-6
PAGES: 204


Long form copy for newsletters, email campaigns, blog posts, etc.

Silencing the Inner Ghosts
A Creative Outlet for Tackling Self-Harm

From non-fiction author, VJ Cast, comes a fantastic new creative therapy journal specially designed for Young Adults (15-25) dealing with non-suicidal self-harm by someone who has 25 years of “been there, done that” lived experience with mental illness.

As a creative work developed by someone who’s walked the path, this is a ‘real and raw’ tool to help people with self-harming behaviour(s) better understand where they’re coming from. Silencing the Inner Ghosts is an engaging collection of questions, challenges and activities for self-expression and self-reflection that can help people find valuable clarity amidst the turmoil of everyday life. Every activity can be used to develop insight into troubling thoughts and emotions, but it’s also easy-going enough so users can choose their own journey and take what’s needed.Dr Justin Chapman, Mental Health Researcher: QIMR Berghofer, PCYC Queensland, Metro South Addictions and Mental Health

Created under the guidance of a qualified psychologist the journal aims to provide a safe, private place for users to get to know their Ghosts—to explore and tackle their impulse to self-harm. It does so through a combination of therapy techniques including narrative and music therapy, art/creative therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), and mindfulness. The journal also includes trigger and mood logs, mental health resource lists, and stress-relieving colouring pages.

Because of its format Silencing the Inner Ghosts lends itself readily to being used as a form of guided self-therapy for those unable (or unwilling) to access other medical interventions, or in conjunction with other medical resources, such as psychologists and counsellors. With use and time, this journal can help transform users into an active participant in their journey towards recovery from self-harming behaviours.

So, start the challenge of silencing your Ghosts and reclaim control over your psychological well-being.

Shortform copy for blurbs.

Dismissing the idea that the experience of depression is ‘one size fits all’ Silencing the Inner Ghosts isn’t your typical self-harm therapy workbook, which only adds to the appeal. VJ Cast, who has 25 years of “been there, done that” lived experience with mental illness, does not hand you answers in her new creative journal, but instead sets you up to find them yourself and allows you take back control on your own terms.


Author Biography

Long Version

VJ is a first-time non-fiction author, introvert, and co-parent of a home-schooled teen on the spectrum.

She’s brings over two decades of mental health struggles to her mental health journals, including depression, trichotillomania (hair pulling), social anxiety, disordered eating (EDNOS), non-suicidal self-harm, and bipolar II. Fibromyalgia also enjoys kicking her ass, so she’s close friends with numerous hot water bottles.

She spent her teen years living overseas, which involved a period of carrying a gas-mask at school (Gulf War I) and surviving a Molotov cocktail landing on her bed and setting fire to it while she was in it. These days she lives on one of the South Moreton Bay Islands off the coast of South East Queensland, Australia which has an incredible abundance of wildlife, but far too many friendly mosquitoes in summer.

As a grand-daughter of Sir John Gorton, she was often encouraged by her high school teachers to follow in his political footsteps. She decided her lack of a poker face (and, occasionally, tact) made this a terrible idea. Instead, she pursued a more creative path, receiving an Advanced Diploma in Editing, and an almost complete Bachelor of Arts (Professional Writing & Publishing) at Curtin University.

She would describe her (lack of) relationship with social media as ‘it’s complicated.’


Short Version

VJ is a non-fiction author, introvert, and co-parent of a home-schooled teen.

She’s brings over two decades of mental health struggles to her mental health journals. Fibromyalgia also enjoys kicking her ass, so she’s close friends with numerous hot water bottles.

She likes comfy pants with pockets, silver bracelets, replaying Mass Effect, table-top roleplaying games, and making a mess with numerous DIY projects. She dislikes (most) social media, having to wear makeup, photographs of herself, and watching her child grow up.

She lives on a small island off the coast of South East Queensland with an abundance of wildlife and far too many friendly mosquitoes.

Her hair colours, like her medications, are subject to change.

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